$99.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Agreement and Release of Liability

By purchasing the online Vintage Mat Course, I agree that I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability.

I understand that Pilates, as with any fitness or physical activity, could lead to physical injury and I personally assume risk of all injury. 

I agree that I, my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, will not make a claim or initiate any suit against Vintage Pilates Inc. for any injury or damage resulting from my participation in the Vintage Mat Course. I agree to hold Vintage Pilates Inc. harmless from any injury I receive from my participation. 

If I am injured, in chronic pain or pregnant, I will refrain from online training until I receive written consent from my doctor. 

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Vintage Mat Course #1

What's included with your subscription:

  • One month's access to the Vintage Mat Course
  • Videos of each exercise in the Course
  • Videos of "exercise breakdowns" to personalize your workout
  • Audio bytes of important basic principles
  • Two one-on-one 30 minute virtual coaching sessions

Course will automatically renew every 30 days.